Profile of the Department
Departmental profile
List of Existing Faculty
1. Morabak Hussain, M.A.
2. Dr. Badruz Zaman Khan, M.A.
3. Dr. Hafizur Rahman, M.A., Ph.D.
1. Name of the department : Arabic
2. Year of Establishment : 1988
3. Names of Programme / Courses offered : UG,
4. Names of Interdisciplinary courses and the departments / units involved: History, Islamic Studies, and Functional Arabic etc.
5. Annual/semester/choice based credit system (programme wise) : Semester system.
6. Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: Participated in every programme of other departments.
7. Number of Teaching posts : 3
Sanctioned Filled
Professors Nil
Associate Professors Sanctioned--3 Filled
Asst. Professors Part timer--1
8. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, specialization, (D.Sc. / D.Litt. /Ph.D. / M. Phil. Etc.)
Name Qualification Designation Specialization No. of Years of Experience No.of Ph.D. Students guided for the last 4 years
Mazibar Rahman M M, M A Associate Professor Language & Literature 27 yrs Nil
Mobarak Hussain M A Associate Professor Language & Literature 23 yrs Nil
Badruz Zaman Khan M M, M A Associate Professor Language & Literature 20 yrs Nil
9. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled (programme wise) by temporary faculty : Nil
10. Student-Teacher Ratio (programme wise) : 19 : 1
11. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff ; sanctioned and filled : Nil
12. Qualifications of teaching faculty with D.Sc./D.Litt./Ph.D./M. Phil./PG. : PG
13. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b) International funding agencies and grants received : Nil
14. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR etc and total grants received : Nil
15. Research Centre /facility recognized by the University : NIL
16. Publications : Book—3, Papers—15
a) Publication per faculty : 1+2
*Number of papers published in peer reviewed journals (national /international) by faculty and students: 6
*Number of publications listed in International Database (For Eg: Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database-International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.) : Nil
* Chapter in Books: 15
* Books Edited: Nil
* Books with ISBN/ISSN numbers with details of publishers: Nil
20. Areas of consultancy and income generated: Nil
21. Faculty as members in
a) National committees: Nil
b) International committees: Nil
c) Editorial Boards…: 1
22. Students ’projects
a) Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental/programme : Nil
b) Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution i.e. in Research laboratories/ Industry/other agencies: Nil
24. List of eminent academicians and scientists/ visitors to the department: 3
26. Student profile programme/course wise:
Name of the course/programme (refer question no.4) Applications received Selected Enrolled Pass percentage
*M *F
Semester—1 31 31 19 12 100 %
Semester—2 25 25 13 12 80 %
Semester—3 16 16 8 8 100 %
Semester—4 16 16 8 8 100 %
27. Diversity of Students: Nil
Name of the Course % of students from the same state % of students from other states % of students from abroad
Semester--1 92.3 % 7.7 % Nil
28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defense services, etc.? : Nil
29. Student progression
Student progression Against % enrolled
UG to PG 90%
Campus selection Other than campus recruitment Nil
Entrepreneurship/ Self-employment 10%
30. Details of Infrastructural facilities
a) Library: Yes
b) Internet facilities for Staff & Students: Yes, for staff
c) Class rooms with ICT facility: Nil
d) Laboratories: Nil
31. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government or other agencies: 10
33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning: Descriptive and evaluative methods adopted
34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities: Yes
35. SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans:
(1) There is a computer in the department, but no printer is there. (2) Insufficient book in the departmental library. (3) Student’s carrier may be developed (4) Number of students should be increased. (5) Future plan is to develop the student’s carrier.
Name of the Department & its profile: Arabic, its profile is given below
No. of sanctioned and filled up teaching posts Total number of students No. of papers published in standard academic journals in the last three years No. of research projects carried out in the last three years No. of journals subscribed in the department Major achievements during xi plan
1st yr 2nd yr National Inter-national Minor projects Major projects
3 31 16 14 1 Nil Nil Nil Nil
List of Professors with date of joining and Qualifications—
Names Date of joining Qualifications
Mazibar Rahman 05—12—1988 M M, M A.
Mobarak Hussain 25—10—1992 M A.
Badruz Zaman Khan 18—02—1995 M M, M A.
Name of the Department……Arabic……………….
1. Furnish the number of the students admitted to the College during the last four academic years.
Year 1
(2010-11) Year 2
(2011-12) Year 3
Year 4
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
2. Furnish the number of the students DROP OUT during the last four academic years.
Categories Year 1
(2010-11) Year 2
(2011-12) Year 3
(2012-13) Year 4
SC Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
General 1
Mobarak Hussain
Signature of HOD
Teachers Publication Format
Name of the Teacher :- Mazibar Rahman
Sl.No Name of the Book Author(s) Publisher & year ISBN
1 Guide for Madrassa TET Mazibar Rahman Ashok Publication, Panbazar Guwahati-1 2014
Edited Books
Sl.No Name of the Book Author (s) Publisher & year ISBN
1 Zam zam A Quarterly Magazine Abdul Khalek Kausar Gusthy’2013
Chapters in Book
Sl.No Name of the Book Title of the Chapter Author (s) Publisher & year ISBN
1 @Panorama, An Anthology of Multidisciplinary Research Papers The Holy Quran, its Translations and Commentaries in Assamese Language Mukut Khan Vision Publication, New Delhi- 25 978-1-62590-050-0
2 Glimpses of The Holy Qur’an The Holy Qur’an: A Sociological Guideline Dr. Bakshi Hazrat Ali Ahmed and Dr. Rizwanur Rahman Adam Publishers and Distributor Daryaganj New Delhi-02 978-81-7435-703-8
3 Perspectives A Collection of Seminar Papers Corruption and its Socio-Economic implications in Modern Society Dr. C Densingh Principal, BHB College, Sarupeta’2012 978-1-63102-689-8
4 Bhawanipur Anchalik College Magazine Dr. Muhammad Iqbalor Jiwan aru Sahittya Pratibha Rana Khatoniyar 17th issue , 2009-2010
5 Bhawanipur Anchalik College Magazine The Holy Qur’an: A Sociological Perspective Mouchumi Bharali 18th issue , 2010-2011
6 Bhawanipur Anchalik College Magazine Rastriya Sewa Achani (NSS) eyar Uddeshwa aru Lakkhya Bijit Sarma 20th issue, 2012-2013
7 Zam zam, A Quarterly Magazine Qurbani:Ek Charam Tyagar Nidarshan Abdul Khalek 2013
Zam zam, A Quarterly Magazine
Mansurar Rajdarbarat Imam Jafor Sadekar
Abdul Khalek
1st issue, 2014
9 Zam zam, A Quarterly Magazine Apuni Janene ? Abdul Khalek 2nd issue, 2014
10 Zam Zam, A Quarterly Magazine Islamat Shantrash badar Sthan Asene ? Abdul Khalek 3rd issue, 2014
Record of Seminar/Workshop and Public meeting attended by the teacher
Organised at Collage/Institution/Place
Period of Participation
As paper presenter/Resource person/Participant
Title of presentation
1 National Seminar, BHB College, Sarupeta 3rd &4th August’2012 Paper presenter Corruption and its impact in Indian Society
2 International Seminar, Abhayapuri College 27th, 28th, 29th June’2013 Paper presenter Sufisim and its impact on Assamese People
3 National Seminar, Bhawanipur Anchalik College 21st,22nd, September’12 Paper presenter Forest Resources of Assam and the Necessity of Manas Tiger Project
4 National Seminar, Bhawanipur Anchalik College 23rd & 24th September’14 Paper presenter Women and Higher education
5 Annual Conference of Jamia Islamia Salafia 1st and 2nd March’ 2013 President
6 B.H.B. College, Sarupeta 31—10—2013 Chief Guest Fatiha-e-Duwaz Daham
7 Seminar in the Occasion of Annual Conference of Jamiyat-e-Ahle Hadis 8th & 9th February’2015 Director Education in Islam and Muslim of Assam
8 Annual Meeting of S.P. Girls High Madrassa 23—3—2014 President Annual Meeting
9 Annual Conference of HABS Hafizia Madrassa 9th & 10th May’ 2014 Appointed Speaker General Speech
10 National Seminar, by RGNIYD 19, 20 January’2015 Paper Presenter Global Warming and Climatic disaster in India
Name of the Teacher :- Mobarak Hussain
Sl.No Name of the Book Author(s) Publisher & year ISBN
Edited Books
Sl.No Name of the Book Author (s) Publisher & year ISBN
Chapters in Book
Sl.No Name of the Book Title of the Chapter Author (s) Publisher & year ISBN
Record of Seminar/ Workshop and Public meeting attended by the teacher
Organised at College/Institution/Place
Period of publication
As paper presenter/Resource person/participant
Title of presentation
1 Jamiya Millia Islamia 1st.March’2001 Participant
2 Gauhati University 14-07-2011 Participant
3 Gauhati University 28-07-2012 Participant
4 Bhawanipur Anchalik College 21-22 Sept’2012 Paper presenter Measures for the Creation of Public Awareness to Save Manas
5 National Seminar, B.A. College 22, 23 September’2014 Participant
6 BHB College, Sarupeta 3rd,4th August’12 Paper presenter Corruption and its Impacts on Indian Society
7 International Seminar Abhayapuri College 27 to 29 June’13 Paper presenter Impact of Sufism on the Promotion of the Arabic and Islamic Studies in Assam
8 National Seminar 19,20 January’2015 Paper Presenter Solid waste Management
International Seminar Gossaigaon College
4th, 5th&6th Feb 2015
Paper presenter
Women Empowerment through participation in panchayati Raj: A case-study on the participation of Women at Paka Betbari Block under Barpeta District.
Name of the Teacher :- Badruz Zaman Khan
Name of the Book
Publisher & year
1 A Selection of Arabic Grammar and Translation Badruz Zaman Khan Moulana Manjur Ahmed
2 Bishwa Nabi Hazrat Muhammad (SAS) Sangkhipta Bibaran Badruz Zaman Khan Mustafizur Rahman
Edited Books
Sl.No Name of the Book Author(s) Publisher & year ISBN
Chapters in Book
Sl.No Name of the Book Title of the Chapter Publisher & year ISBN
1 Perspectives Corruption and its Impact in Indian Society Principal, BHB College, Sarupeta’12 978-1-63102-689-8
2 Save Manas Measures for the creation of Public Awareness to Save Manas
3 Bhawanipur Anchalik College Magazine Dairjyar sufal aru Adairjyar Parinam 1998-99
4 Bhawanipur Anchalik College Magazine Adhyatmik Bhav Dharat Santir Kahini 2003-2004
5 Bhawanipur Anchalik College Magazine Daridrata 2004-2005
6 Bhawanipur Anchalik College Magazine Ajir Prithivir Manuh 2008-2009
7 Bhawanipur Anchalik College Magazine Aiye Jivan 2009-2010
8 Pragyan Contribution of Ma’ruf Al-Rusafi to the Development of Modern Arabic Literature Ma Lakhsmi Publication’2013 978-81-926338-4-8
Record of Seminar/ Workshop and Public meeting attended by the teacher
Sl.No Organised at College/Institution/Place Period of participation As paper presenter/ Resource person/participant Title of presentation
1 National Seminar 3, 4 August’ 2012 Paper Presenter Corruption and its Socio-Economic Implications in Modern society
2 Bhawanipur Anchalik College 22, 23, September’14 Paper presenter Growth and Expansion of Higher education in India with Special Reference to Assam
3 Abhaya puri College 27th to29th’June 2013 Participant
4 Bhawanipur Anchalik College 28, 29 June’2013 Participant
5 Bhawanipur Anchalik College 19, 20 January’2015 Participant Solid Waste Management
5 Bhawanipur Anchalik College 19,20 January’2015 Paper Presenter Solid Waste Management
i) General Information
a) Name : Mazibar Rahman
b) Address (Residential): Howly Town, Ward No. 1 , P.O. Howly, Dist. Barpeta (Assam) Ph. No. 9954576082
c) Designation: Associate Professor
d) Department : Arabic
e) Date of Birth: 01—09—1961
f) Area of Specialization: Language and Literature
A) Academic Qualifications
Exam Passed Board/University Subjects Year Division/Grade
High School SEBA Eng, Ass, Maths, SS,GS,Hindi,Arabic 1979 11
Higher Secondary or Pre-Degree GU Eng, Hindi, Eco, Psc, Edu, Arabic 1981 11
Bachelor’s Degree (s) GU Eng, Hin, Psc, Arabic 1984 11
Master’s Degree (s) GU Arabic 1986 11
Research Degree (s) CMJU Arabic 2013 Thesis submitted
Other Diploma/ Certificates etc. AMEB Arabic 1984 11
ii) Research Experience & Training
Research Stage Title of work/Thesis University where the work was carried out
M. Phil or equivalent Nil
Ph.D. Assamese Translations and Commentaries of the Holy Qur’an: An Analytical Study CMJ University
Post-Doctoral Nil
Publications Article-8, Seminar Paper-3
Research Guidance Nil
B) Research Projects carried out
Title of the Project Name of the funding Agency Duration Remarks
C) Seminars, Conferences, Symposia, Workshops. Attended
Name of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposia, Workshop, etc. Name of the Sponsoring Agency Place and Date
National Seminar UGC B.H.B. College, Sarupeta on 3rd & 4th August’2012
National Seminar UGC B.A. College, Bhawanipur on 21 & 22 Sept’2012
iii) Teaching Experience
Courses Taught Name of the University/ College/Institution Duration
Iv ) U.G.
(B.A./B.Sc., etc Pass)
(B.A./B.Sc. etc. Hons) Bhawanipur Anchalik College From 05--12—1988 up till date
v) P.G.
(M.A./ M.Sc., etc.) Nil
vi) M. Phil Nil
vii) Any other Nil
Total Teaching Experience: ------27 yrs------------------------------------------
a) Under-graduate (Pass):--------27 yrs------------------------------------------
b) Under-graduate (Hons):-------20 yrs-----------------------------------------
c) Post-graduate : ------Nil-----------------------------------------
viii) Innovations/Contributions in Teaching
a) Design of Curriculum
b) Teaching methods : Descriptive and evaluative method used
c) Laboratory experiments
d) Evaluation methods : Two Sessional and one Home Assignment in
a semester except the final Exam.
e) Preparation of resource material
Including books, reading materials,
Laboratory manuals etc. Reading materials supplied.
f) Remedial Teaching / Student Counseling (academic): Remedial Classes done and Student Counseling is doing in time.
g) Any other
ix) Extension Work/Community Service
a) Please give a short account of your contribution to ;
i) Community Work
Such as values of National Integration,
Secularism, democracy, socialism, humanism, peace,
Scientific temper, flood or drought relief, small family norms etc.
ii) National Literacy Mission
b) Positions held/Leadership role played in organizations linked
with Extension work and National Service Scheme (NSS), or
NCC or any other similar activity
D. Participation in Corporate Life:
Please give a short account of your contribution to:
a) College/University/Institution
b) Co-curricular Activities
c) Enrichment of Campus Life
(Hostels, sports, games, cultural activities)
d) Students Welfare and Discipline
e) Membership/Participation in Bodies/Committees
on Education and National Development
f) Professional Organization of Teachers.
E. (a) Membership of Professional Bodies, Societies etc.
(b) Editorship of Journals
F. Any other information
Mazibar Rahman
(Signature of the Teacher)
Bhawanipur Anchalik College, Bhawanipur
A. General Information
a) Name: Mazibar Rahman
b) Date of Birth : 01—09—1961
c) Address (Residential): Howly Town, Ward No. 1 , P.O. Howly,
Dist. Barpeta, (Assam) ph. No. 9957796343
d) Designation: Associate Professor
e) Department: Arabic
f) Area of Specialization: Language and Literature
g) Date of Appointment: 05—12—1988
(i) in the institution : 05—12—1988
(ii) in the present post : December , 2010
h) Honors Conferred
B. Teaching
(a) Classes Taught
Assigned per week **L T/P Taught in the year L T/P Steps taken for the teaching of periods missed during absence or leave (3)
27/2 314/24
* (To be filled at the end of every academic year)
** L=Lecture T=Tutorial P=Practical
b) Regularity and Punctuality
c) Details of course teaching plan, synopses of lecturers, and reading lists supplied to students
d) Details of participation in the following:
(i) University Education
(ii) Internal Evaluation
(iii) Paper Setting
(vi) Assessment of Home assignments
(iv) Conduct of Examinations
(v) Evaluation of Dissertation etc.
C. Details of Innovations / Contribution in Teaching, during the year :
a) Design of curriculum
b) Teaching methods
c) Laboratory experiments
d) Evaluation methods
e) Preparation of resource material including books,
Reading materials, laboratory manuals etc.
f) Remedial Teaching / Student Counseling (academic)
g) Any other
D. Improvement of Professional Competence
(a) Details regarding refresher Courses/orientation attended, Participation in summer schools, workshops, seminars, symposia etc. including open university courses/M. Phil., Ph.D.
E. Research Contributions:
a) Number of students (M. Phil./Ph. D
At the beginning of the year Registered during the year Completed during the year
M. Phil
b) No. of research papers published (please enclose list)
c) Research Projects:
Title of the Project Name of the funding agency Duration
d) Details of Seminars, Conferences, Symposia organized
e) Patents taken, if any, give a brief decription
(vi) Membership of Professional Bodies, Editorship of Journals etc.
F. Extension Work/Community Service
a) Please give a short account of your contribution to :
i) community work such as values of National Integration,
Secularism, democracy, socialism, humanism, peace,
Scientific temper, flood or drought relief, small family norms etc.
iii) National Literacy Mission
b) Positions held /Leadership role played in organizations linked with
Extension work and National Service Scheme (NSS), or NCC or any other
Similar activity.
G. Participation in Corporate Life:
Please give a short account of your contribution to:
a) College/University/Institution
b) Co-curricular activities
c) Enrichment of campus life
(Hostels, sports, games, cultural activities)
d) Students welfare and Discipline
e) Membership/Participation in Bodies/Committees on
Education and National Development
f) Professional Organizations of Teachers
H. Assessment
a) Steps taken by you for the evaluation of the course programme taught
1. General Data
State brief assessment of your performance indicating (a) achievements, (b) difficulties faced and (c) suggestions for improvement.
Mazibar Rahman
(Signature of the Teacher)
J. * Verification of factual data
A. General Information
a) Teaching
b) Details of Innovations/Contribution in teaching, during the year
c) Improvement of Professional competence
d) Research contributions
e) Extension work/community service
f) Participation in Corporate Life
(Signature of the Person authorized*)
*By a Person to be nominated by Principal/Vice-Chancellor.
iv) General Information
a) Name : Mobarak Hussain
b) Address (Residential): Kalaha bhanga P.O. Barpeta road, Dist. Barpeta (Assam) Ph. No. 9435288578
c) Designation: Associate Professor
di) Department : Arabic
e) Date of Birth: 01—01—1966
f) Area of Specialization: Language and Literature
A) Academic Qualifications
Exam Passed Board/University Subjects Year Division/Grade
High School SEBA Eng, Ass, Maths, SS,GS,History,Arabic 1982 11
Higher Secondary or Pre-Degree GU Eng, Ass, Eco,, Logic, Arabic 1984 11
Bachelor’s Degree (s) GU Eng, Ass,, Arabic.F.c 1988 11
Master’s Degree (s) GU Arabic 1991 11
v) Research Experience & Training
Research Stage Title of work/Thesis University where the work was carried out
M. Phil or equivalent Nil
Post-Doctoral Nil
Publications Article-8, Seminar Paper-5
Research Guidance Nil
B) Research Projects carried out
Title of the Project Name of the funding Agency Duration Remarks
D) Seminars, Conferences, Symposia, Workshops. Attended
Name of the Seminar/ Conference/ Symposia, Workshop, etc. Name of the Sponsoring Agency Place and Date
National Seminar UGC B.H.B. College, Sarupeta on 3rd & 4th August’2012
National Seminar UGC B.A. College, Bhawanipur on 21 & 22 Sept’2012
National Seminar UGC B.A. College on 22nd,23rd September’2014
vi) Teaching Experience
Courses Taught Name of the University/ College/Institution Duration
Iv ) U.G.
(B.A./B.Sc., etc Pass)
(B.A./B.Sc. etc. Hons) Bhawanipur Anchalik College From 25—10—1992 up till date
v) P.G.
(M.A./ M.Sc., etc.) Nil
vi) M. Phil Nil
vii) Any other Nil
Total Teaching Experience: ------23 yrs------------------------------------------
a) Under-graduate (Pass):--------23 yrs------------------------------------------
b) Under-graduate (Hons):-------20 yrs-----------------------------------------
c) Post-graduate : ------Nil-----------------------------------------
x) Innovations/Contributions in Teaching
a) Design of Curriculum
b) Teaching methods : Descriptive and evaluative method used
c) Laboratory experiments
d) Evaluation methods : Two Sessional and one Home Assignment in
a semester except the final Exam.
e) Preparation of resource material
Including books, reading materials,
Laboratory manuals etc. Reading materials supplied.
f) Remedial Teaching / Student Counseling (academic): Remedial Classes done and Student Counseling is doing in time.
g) Any other
xi) Extension Work/Community Service
a) Please give a short account of your contribution to ;
iv) Community Work
Such as values of National Integration,
Secularism, democracy, socialism, humanism, peace,
Scientific temper, flood or drought relief, small family norms etc.
v) National Literacy Mission
b) Positions held/Leadership role played in organizations linked
with Extension work and National Service Scheme (NSS), or
NCC or any other similar activity
F. Participation in Corporate Life:
Please give a short account of your contribution to:
g) College/University/Institution
h) Co-curricular Activities
i) Enrichment of Campus Life
(Hostels, sports, games, cultural activities)
j) Students Welfare and Discipline
k) Membership/Participation in Bodies/Committees
on Education and National Development
l) Professional Organization of Teachers.
G. (a) Membership of Professional Bodies, Societies etc.
(b) Editorship of Journals
F. Any other information
Mobarak Hussain
(Signature of the Teacher)
Bhawanipur Anchalik College, Bhawanipur
A. General Information
a) Name: Mobarak Hussain
b) Date of Birth : 01—01—1966
c) Address (Residential): Kalaha bhanga, P.O. Barpeta road,
Dist. Barpeta, (Assam) ph. No. 9435288578
d) Designation: Associate Professor
e) Department: Arabic
f) Area of Specialization: Language and Literature
g) Date of Appointment: 25—10—1992
(i) in the institution:- 25—10—1992
(ii) in the present post:-December’2010
j) Honors Conferred
B. Teaching
(a) Classes Taught
Assigned per week **L T/P
22/4 Taught in the year L T/P
264/48 Steps taken for the teaching of periods missed during absence or leave (3)
* (To be filled at the end of every academic year)
** L=Lecture T=Tutorial P=Practical
b) Regularity and Punctuality
c) Details of course teaching plan, synopses of lecturers, and reading lists supplied to students
d) Details of participation in the following:
(vii) University Education
(viii) Internal Evaluation
(ix) Paper Setting
(vi) Assessment of Home assignments
(x) Conduct of Examinations
(xi) Evaluation of Dissertation etc.
C. Details of Innovations / Contribution in Teaching, during the year :
h) Design of curriculum
i) Teaching methods
j) Laboratory experiments
k) Evaluation methods
l) Preparation of resource material including books,
Reading materials, laboratory manuals etc.
m) Remedial Teaching / Student Counseling (academic)
n) Any other
D. Improvement of Professional Competence
(a) Details regarding refresher Courses/orientation attended, Participation in summer schools, workshops, seminars, symposia etc. including open university courses/M. Phil., Ph.D.
E. Research Contributions:
a) Number of students (M. Phil./Ph. D
At the beginning of the year Registered during the year Completed during the year
M. Phil
b) No. of research papers published (please enclose list)
c) Research Projects:
Title of the Project Name of the funding agency Duration
d) Details of Seminars, Conferences, Symposia organized
e) Patents taken, if any, give a brief decription
(xii) Membership of Professional Bodies, Editorship of Journals etc.
F. Extension Work/Community Service
c) Please give a short account of your contribution to :
k) community work such as values of National Integration,
Secularism, democracy, socialism, humanism, peace,
Scientific temper, flood or drought relief, small family norms etc.
vi) National Literacy Mission
d) Positions held /Leadership role played in organizations linked with
Extension work and National Service Scheme (NSS), or NCC or any other
Similar activity.
G. Participation in Corporate Life:
Please give a short account of your contribution to:
g) College/University/Institution
h) Co-curricular activities
i) Enrichment of campus life
(Hostels, sports, games, cultural activities)
j) Students welfare and Discipline
k) Membership/Participation in Bodies/Committees on
Education and National Development
l) Professional Organizations of Teachers
H. Assessment
a) Steps taken by you for the evaluation of the course programme taught
1. General Data
State brief assessment of your performance indicating (a) achievements, (b) difficulties faced and (c) suggestions for improvement.
Mobarak Hussain
(Signature of the Teacher)
J. * Verification of factual data
A. General Information
a) Teaching
b) Details of Innovations/Contribution in teaching, during the year
c) Improvement of Professional competence
d) Research contributions
e) Extension work/community service
f) Participation in Corporate Life
(Signature of the Person authorized*)
*By a Person to be nominated by Principal/Vice-Chancellor.
vii) General Information
a) Name : Badruz Zaman Khan
b) Address (Residential): Barbala P.O. Barbala, Dist. Barpeta (Assam) Ph. No. 9859102660
c) Designation: Associate Professor
dii) Department : Arabic
e) Date of Birth: 15—2—1967
f) Area of Specialization: Language and Literature
A) Academic Qua