Profile of the Department


Welcome to the Department of Zoology


The Department of Zoology of Bhawanipur Anchalik College is a constituent department of the newly created science stream of the college by the Government of Assam in the year 2023. Presently, the department is functioning with three well-qualified faculty members with teaching and research experience in the fields of Animal Ecology, Entomology, Biochemistry, Wildlife Biology, Cell and Molecular Biology etc. The department, with its vibrant and dedicated faculty members along with laboratory staff and well-equipped laboratory facilities, is all set to provide quality education and guidance to the students of Higher Secondary (Science) and Bachelor of Science (Zoology) of the region.  


Year of Establishment: 2023


Correspondence:Department of Zoology

                                          Bhawanipur Anchalik College

                                          Bhawanipur, Barpeta, Assam-781352

                                          Email:   [email protected]

                                              Mobile- 9957941415



The department aspires to cultivate- critical and sensible thinking, eco-friendly and sustainable living and competency among the students through Zoological knowledge and research for a healthy society.



1. To provide quality education and guidance for intellectual and moral upliftment.

2. To nurture the scientific temper and research aptitude of the students in Zoological and allied scientific studies.

3. To inspire the students to acquire practical knowledge and skills for a better living.

4. To cultivate the values and responsibilities for eco-friendly and sustainable existence on the earth among the students.

5. To extend contribution to a healthy environment and society through outreach and awareness activities.


Programs offered (Under NEP 2020)-

HS (Science):   Student Intake Capacity- 150 nos.

B.Sc. (Zoology):   Student Intake Capacity- 30 nos.


Teaching Staff-


Sl. No


Educational Qualification


Date of Joining


Teaching Experience


Dr. Khirod Sankar Das

M.Sc. (GU), SLET, Ph.D. (NEHU)

Assistant Professor and  HOD


Animal Ecology and Wildlife Biology

9 months


Ms. Trishnakhi Swargiari


Assistant Professor





Ms. Aparna Deka


Assistant Professor


Cell and Molecular Biology

1 year










* To visit the detailed profiles of the faculty members click the 'Faculties' option


Laboratory staff-

It will be updated soon.


Departmental Library-

We are planning to establish a departmental library shortly with a good collection of important books.


Research Highlights of the Faculty members (Last Five Years)-

Research articles-

1. Das, K. S., Kharthangmaw, J.M., Nonglait, L.K.C., Marwein, C.B. and Choudhury, S. (2023).  First record of the termite species Nasutitermes profuscipennis Akhtar (Blattodea: Isoptera) from India. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science.

2. Das, K.S. and Choudhury, S. (2023). A new termite species of the genus Bulbitermes (Blattodea: Isoptera: Termitidae) from Meghalaya, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 15(3): 22850–22858.

3. Das, K.S. and Choudhury, S. (2023). First record of Ahmaditermes emersoni Maiti (Isoptera, Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae) from Meghalaya, India. Entomon, 48(1): 135-140.

4. Nonglait, K. C. L., Das, K. S., Marwein, C. B., Kharthangmaw, J. M., and Choudhury, S. (2023). Scanning electron microscopy study of the antennal sensilla of cob borer, Stenachroia elongella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Microscopy Research and Technique, 1–9.

5. Sarmah, P. Swargiari, T. Hojaisa, S. (2023). A checklist of orchids inside Dibrugarh University Campus, Assam, North- East India. Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 29: 251-254.

6. Marwein, C. B., Das, K. S., Lyngdoh Nonglait, K. C., Kharthangmaw, J. M., & Choudhury, S. (2022). Scanning electron microscopic studies of the antennal sensilla of Aplosonyx chalybaeus (Hope) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Microscopy Research and Technique, 1–10.

7. Kharthangmaw, J., Choudhury, S., Das, K.S., Nonglait, K.C.L. and Marwein, C.B. (2022).  Sensilla on the wings of Eurydema dominulus (Scopoli). Indian Journal of Entomology, 1-5.  Doi. No.: 10.55446/IJE.2022.805

8. Goswami, M., Baruwa, B., Das, K. S., Singh, N. S., Sarma, R., Goswami, S. B. and Maitra, T. (2022). Arsenic contamination in the groundwater and prevalence of arsenicosis in Santipur village of Dhubri district, Assam, India. Journal of Experimental Zoology India, 25: 2249-2257.

9. Sarmah, P. Swargiari, T (2022). A checklist of avifaunal diversity of Dibrugarh University campus, Assam, India. Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences- An International Journal, 13(4): 1067- 1072.

10. Das, K. S., Marwein, C. B., Nonglait, K. C. L., & Choudhury, S. (2021). Sensory structures on the antenna of soldier and worker castes of the termite species Odontotermes parvidens (Termitidae: Isoptera: Blattaria). Microscopy Research and Technique, 85:956–970.

11. Das, K.S. and S. Choudhury (2020). New records of nasutiform termite (Nasutitermitinae: Termitidae: Isoptera) from Meghalaya, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 12(9): 16190–16192.   

12. Das, K. S. and S. Choudhury (2020). Description of a new subspecies of the genus Silvestri, 1901 (Amitermitinae: Termitidae: Isoptera) and the first record of another termite species from Meghalaya, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 12 (4): 15499-15502.            

13. Das, K.S., Choudhury, S. and Nonglait, K. C. L (2020). Antennal sensory structures of polymorphic soldiers in the termite Macrotermes annandalei (Silvestri). Indian Journal of Entomology, 82(4): 625-630

14. Nonglait, K. C. L., Choudhury, S. and Das, K.S. (2020). Sensilla on the wings of cob borer Stenachroia elongella Hampson. Indian Journal of Entomology, 82(4): 621-624.

Book Chapters-

1. Das, K.S., Kharthangmaw, J.M., Choudhury, S. (2020). Endemic Termites of North East India (pp. 99–111). In: Chandel, B.S. (ed.), Applied Entomology and Zoology, Vol.7. Akinik publications, New Delhi, pp. 132. 

2. Das, K.S., Choudhury, S., Marwein, C.B. (2020). Termites and their sensory structures (pp. 65–90). In: Naresh, R.K. (ed.), Advances in Agriculture Sciences, Vol. 27. Akinik publications, New Delhi, pp. 126.


1. 28-29th Febaruary, 2020 : Oral presentation in the ‘National Symposium on Recent Trends in Zoological Sciences’ organized by the department of Zoology, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya, India; Topic: New reports of  few termite species from Meghalaya, India.

2. 6  - 8th November, 2019 : Oral presentation in the ‘International conference on Recent advances in Animal Sciences” organized by the department of Zoology, Pachunga University College, Aizawl, Mizoram, India. Topic: Sensory structures of antenna of the termite species Hypotermes xenotermitis (Isoptera: Termitidae).

3. 26-27th March, 2018 : Oral presentation in the ‘National seminar on Fisheries and Fish Breeding” organized by the department of Zoology, M. C. College, Barpeta, Assam, India. Topic: A study on fish diversity of river Kulsi, Kamrup District, Assam.

4. 3-4th March, 2023 : Oral presentation in the ‘International conference on Challenges and Prospects of Bioresource Conservation in Eastern Himalaya” organized by the department of Zoology, Gauhati  University, Guwahati, Assam, India. Topic: The Ecology of stump tailed Macaques Macaca arctoides (L. Geoffory, 1831): A Review of Current Knowledge in india.

5. 27-29th January, 2018 : Poster presentation in the ‘International Symposium on Biodiversity and Biobanking (Biodiverse-2018)’ organized by IIT Guwahati. Topic: A preliminary study on the composition of termites fauna in the Nongpoh area of Ri-Bhoi district, Meghalaya.

6. 30 - 31st March, 2017  : Oral presentation in the National Seminar on Integrated Approach  in Zoological Research and Biennial Conference of Zoological Society of Assam’ organized by the department of Zoology, Gauhati University, Guwahati. Topic ‘Composition of termite fauna in the North-Eastern Hill University Campus and its adjacent areas, Shillong, Meghalaya’.