Internal Complaints Committee, Bhawanipur Anchalik College
The Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) of our Bhawanipur Anchalik College (BAC) is a crucial entity dedicated to ensuring a safe and respectful environment for all members of our community by addressing issues related to harassment and discrimination. The ICC is responsible for investigating and resolving complaints of harassment, including sexual harassment, within the college premises. The ICC follows established protocols and guidelines to ensure confidentiality, fairness, and sensitivity throughout the investigation process. This committee plays a pivotal role in upholding the college's commitment to zero tolerance towards any form of harassment and strives to create a supportive and inclusive campus culture. In accordance with the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redress) Act of 2013, the committee was formed in 2017. Since its inception, this committee has consistently collaborated with the college authorities and taken prompt action to resolve all complaints. The committee works as per the mission and vision given below.
1. To create a safe environment in the institution.
2. To create a policy against sexual harassment of women in the workplace.
3. Using adequate complaint reporting and follow-up procedures to ensure that the policy is implemented in text and spirit.
4. To uphold the Institute's promise to create a workplace free from gender-based discrimination and violence.
5. Fostering a psychological and social environment to increase understanding of sexual harassment in all of its manifestations.
1. The Internal Complaints Committee aims to provide a secure environment where all the women in the organisation concentrate on their overall growth without worrying about coming across any unpleasant situation due to undesired behaviours.
The ICC is currently functioning with the active participation of the following officials.
1. Principal of the College (Chairperson)
2. Additional District Commissioner, Education, Barpeta (External Member)
3. Dr. Niva Choudhury (Coordinator)
4. Dr. Sumitra Bahttarai (Member)
5. Ms. Aparna Deka (Member)